Cyber experts on Thursday advised against hurriedly getting into close acquaintances with individuals met on social media platforms, saying it could be fraught with danger.
They said painstaking efforts should be made, using physical contacts and digital tools, to ascertain individual’s background before engaging in a stronger relationship.
The experts gave the advice during interviews with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja.
NAN reports that the legal framework that ensures safe internet for users is the Cybercrime Prohibition, Prevention, etc Act (2015).
The Act provides an effective, unified and comprehensive legal, regulatory and institutional framework for the prohibition, prevention, detection, prosecution and punishment of cybercrimes in Nigeria.
Oluwatoyin Dada, an internet security expert, said ladies appeared to be most vulnerable to `cyber-love’ related crimes.
“If you must meet (through WhatsApp groups), be sure that the number is a properly registered number; ask for their pictures, get their names and share same update on the group.
“ It is important to share when you are expected to return and turn on location sharing device while you’re out for added peace of mind.
Dada said these rules apply to private job interviews; for both drivers and customers of e-hailing apps,’’ Dada said.
Eniola Ebuka, a social media enthusiast, therefore, advised against traveling long distances to meet social media friends.
Ebuka said where such visits become necessary, sleeping over night with them should be avoided.
“ If they ask for personal or financial information too soon; if their behaviour or demand to meet you in person overly intense or persistent that is a red flag,’’ Ebuka said.
Ebuka also advised running a search with their social media account names, saying that “if you find multiple accounts on one platform with the same picture, they’re probably fake’’.
“You can also run an image search –to do this, save one of the person’s `selfies` or images on your device, then go to and upload the image.
“ You’ll be able to see if the picture matches the name or has a criminal record.
“Try and look for mutual friends or connections on social media, this can help establish credibility and trust and you can build the relationship gradually,’’ she said.
Ebuka advised ladies to avoid being quick to share personal information, challenges or weakness too quickly.
Abass Yaro, an ex-police officer advised ladies not to feel pressured to meet their dates in a private or secluded locations.
“Let them always meet in a well-populated area like a coffee shop, restaurant or a park.
“ If you have to excuse yourself at any point, such as to use the restroom, do not leave your purse, drink or cell phone unattended.
“ Being I control of your transportation, including transport fare, gives you control and the ability to leave whenever you feel uncomfortable.
“ Avoid secluded locations or private spaces such as invitee’s home or office, until you’ve established trust over a long period of time,’’ Yaro said.